A district court in the Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu has issued arrest warrants against actor Arya and director Bala, after the two failed to appear for a hearing in a case filed by Shankar Aathmajan Ambai, the son of zamindar Theerthapathi Raja. They can be arrested anytime by the police.
Bala’s directorial venture Avan Ivan starring Arya, Vishal, Janani Iyer and Madhu Shalini was released in 2011. A case was filed against Arya And Bala for wrongly portraying landlord (Zamindar) of Singampatti and the Sorimuthu Iyyanaar temple. Zamin Theerthapathi (played by GM Kumar), a character in the film Avan Ivan, is shown to be a drunkard who gets into pretty quarrels; in the climax, he is shown to be stripped and beaten black and blue by the villai.
Ambai, in his plea, had claimed that in the film Avan Ivan, the director Bala had depicted Theerthapathi Raja, the zamindar of Singampatti, and the Sorimuthu Iyyanaar temple in bad light. The case was at Tirunelveli’s Ambasamudram court. On 20th June, the court had cleared the producer of the film. When the case came up for hearing again, director Bala and Arya failed to present themselves before the court for hearing. So Court has now issue an arrest warrant against Bala and Arya.
The judge, Muralidharan, posted the matter for hearing on 13 July and ordered arrest warrants against the duo.
On the work-side, currently Arya is busy in his upcoming Tamil projects- Santhana Devan & Ghajinikanth and Bollywood project 3 Dev, which are in different production stages. Apart from these movies, Arya will also be seen in big budget movie Sangamithra, to be helmed by Sundar C, in which Loafer beauty Disha Patani will play the main lead role. Director Bala is busy in his upcoming directorial venture Varma, the remake of Telugu hit movie Arjun Reddy, in which Dhruv, the son of Chiyaan Vikram is playing the lead role.
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