A video of a middle-aged man, who is seen touching a minor girl inappropriately at a crowded fair in West Bengal has gone viral on social media and grabbing the attention of many. The incident took place in Hooghly district’s Chinsurah city in West Bengal. And the entire incident was caught in camera.
In the video, the pervert man is seen getting close to teenage girl and touching her from backside inappropriately. The girl was unaware of his pervert’s motives and when she realized it, asked to her mother to move from there. Later the girl changed her place. When the pervert man realized that his act is being filmed, he went away from that place. The police has started the search of this Pervert man after watching the video. Police Commissioner of Hooghly’s Chandannagar Ajay Kumar has confirmed the news that the police have seen the video and his abusive act and are trying to identify the accused.
The netizens are criticizing the act of the man who shot the video, as he did not take any action against the man. Instead of making the video, he/she could stop this act and could punish him on spot. The netizens are also demanding the action against the accused.
Last month, the police arrested a man in Kolkata for allegedly masturbating in a bus while staring at two girls. Their act was also recorded in camera and later went viral on social media, following which the man was arrested by local police.
from topstories – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2HwvoQo