It seems, Telugu TV viewers are not happy with Natural Star Nani, who is currently hosting the Bigg Boss 2 Telugu. The first season of Bigg Boss 2 was hosted by Young Tiger Jr NTR but this time, the makers of Bigg Boss 2 brought Nani to host the show. The #NaniUnfitForBB2Host is trending on Twitter with people venting their displeasure on the Nani’s anchoring skills. Some TV viewers have even warned the actor Nani to shake off his biased ways.
Check out the angry tweets:
SatwikMathangi : No bucket video. No clarification on Tanish comments. No clarification on TV9Deepthi task paper reading No video on rule of luxury budget. No comments on Sunaina buthulu. No comments on Amit, Roll & Ganesh behaviour. #BiggBossTelugu2 #NaniUnfitForBB2Host .”
Venugopal: #NaniUnfitForBB2Host @StarMaa please take action in this cunning host who shows partiality… Missing the presence of @tarak9999 A lot…. please bring back him @smkoneru garu
SatwikMathangi :Dear @StarMaa Is there any voting system to eliminate the current host ???? #BiggBossTelugu2 #NaniUnfitForBB2Host
Vinsmoke: Nani garu pls eliminate kaushal effective immediately. Atleast we’ll stop watching #BiggBossTelugu2 after his elimination Housemates keep assassinating his character. & Worst thing is You don’t speak a word about it. #KaushalArmy #NaniUnfitForBB2Host.”
Ayesha: Ntr is the best host i repeat this ntr is the best host #NaniUnfitForBB2Host
Srikar: #NaniUnfitForBB2Host WORST thing happened to Biggboss 2,luckily Kaushal became the saviour to the show & he is the only reason to watch the show for almost 50days #BiggBossTelugu2 #KaushalArmy
Gopi: Weekdays episodes>>> weekend episodes Kaushal is the saviour of #BiggBossTelugu2 #NaniUnfitForBB2Host
Aravinda Sidda: Tq @StarMaa for airing all non-sense of BG, which helps audience in understanding how PESDO HUMANIST BG is. BG be Like “I will do mudslinging when I’m exposed”. @NameisNani pls host entertainment shows, BB is not ur cup of Tea. #KaushalArmy #BigBossTelugu2 #NaniUnfitForBB2Host
Shalini: Worst host,Worst Contestants #NaniUnfitForBB2Host No entertainment at all,Only back bitching,arguments,fights,such a boring season #BigBossTelugu2
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