Bigg Boss 2 Telugu, being hosted by Nani, has completed 50 Days and the 51st episode was started on Monday. Recently the actress Pooja Ravichandran made her wild card entry in Bigg Boss House. The 50th episode of Bigg Boss 2 Telugu has garnered a huge TRP, not because of the contestants but ex-contestants. The two ex-contestants have received 12 Cr votes, which is the highest in the history Bigg Boss and they are none other than Shyamala and Nutan Naidu, they will make their re-entry in Bigg Boss 2 house.
Bigg Boss 2 Telugu, 51st episode was started with Happy days song ‘Paadam Etu Potunna’ and everyone enjoyed it. There were no issues or arguments happened in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 2 House and had a friendly atmosphere. The same friendly atmosphere was carried till the episode end.
Bigg Boss sent 12 ranking poles and asked the housemates to stand rank wise. Bigg Boss also informed that housemates that no two persons would share a single rank. Everyone took their own ranking. Tanish took the 1st position whereas Pooja Ramchandran took the 12th position. However, at the time of nominations, Deepti and Kaushal argued for No. 3 place as they wanted the same rank. Neither Deepti nor Kaushal was ready to compromise. So both stood at 3rd position. Roll Rida was ranked No. 2. Samrat stood on 5th place, Babu Gogineni on 7th place, Ganesh on 8th, Nandini on 9th place, Geetha Madhuri on 11th place. Later Bigg Boss gave a task to the housemates to recreate the look of childhood pictures. All the them posed like how they looked in the childhood.
Shyamala and Nutan Naidu are yet to make their entry into the Bigg Boss 2 house. The Star Maa has shared the promo of today’s episode on Twitter and captioned it, “When the going gets Tough..The Tough get going #BiggBossTelugu2.”
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