Jaya Prada, the actress and former Samajwadi Party MP recently interacted with media and shared her views about casting couch in the film Industry. Jaya Prada said, “I have never faced casting couch in entertainment industry because i started out as a teenager and all my films were successful at the box office.”
When Jaya Prada was asked about what she feels about the existence of casting couch in film Industry, the actress said that she has never faced sexual harassment in her filmy career. She added, though casting couch was there in her time but she had never faced. She added, “We started acting from school and all the films were hits. So there was no need for us to go to this person and that for a role.”
Jaya Prada added, “Now days, hundreds of people are coming to Mumbai to test their luck in film industry. Everyone wants to become top actor/ actress at any cost. That is the main reason, casting couch has increased. Jaya Prada further said, “Now the things have been changed a lot for a woman, who wants to make her career in film industry.” In our time, people used to think, ‘should we let our daughter act in films?’ But now days the parents are encouraging their children and giving their support to enter in film Industry. They are also giving acting training to their children.
When Jaya Prada was asked about casting couch in political field, the actress said, “Wherever there are opportunities for promotion, maybe these things (casting couch & Sexual harassment) exist.”
Jaya Prada is well known face for Telugu audiences as she has been the part of several Telugu movies like Bhoomi Kosam, Kurukshetram, Rajaputra Rahasyam, Yuddham, Simhasanam, Veta, Ugra Narasimham, Maharathi etc.
Meanwhile Jaya Prada is waiting for the release of her upcoming Telugu movie Suvarna Sundari, which is in post production stage.
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