Now once again the team of upcoming big budget movie ‘Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava’, is shocked because another pic that features Jr NTR, from the sets has been leaked on the internet and going viral. The leaked illegal pic revealed the full getup of Young Tiger Jr NTR as the Rayalaseema youth. The movie lovers are very happy as the leaked pic shows the slim and fit avatar of Jai Lava Kusa star Jr NTR. He is seen in wearing a long white Kurta and blue coloured jeans. Piracy and leaks are creating horror among the film makers who are investing huge money on making movies. It is illegal to release the stills or pics from the sets of upcoming movies without the permission of film makers.
This is not the first time when a pic of Jr NTR is leaked from the sets of ‘Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava’. Recently one pic that featured Jr NTR with Naga Babu, was also leaked on social media sites and went viral. Though the makers are taking all the necessary steps to prevent further leaks but their effort are going wastes.
Some fans of Jr NTR are unhappy as the stills from the sets are being leaked. But the leaked still clearly proves that the expectations for the film are soaring high. Jr NTR’s films has had prior incidences where stills and video clips from the film were leaked online. Jai Lava Kusa, which was one of the most successful film of Jr NTR, has also faced this problem multiple times because of which the producers had even taken legal action.
Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava is being helmed by Trivikram Srinivas and it is being bankrolled by Haarika & Haasine Creations. The film has the music by SS Thaman. Pooja Hegde is playing the female lead roles.
from topstories – Tollywood