Pawan Kalyan, Jana Sena President took to his twitter to share his throwback (Childhood) pic yesterday! This is a black-and-white photograph where Pawan Kalyan is seen along with his siblings. Pawan Kalyan said, the photograph was taken in Nellore when he was studying 7th class and, the pic was clicked after he had just recovered from prolonged bronchitis.
Pawan Kalyan came up with an interesting caption, “With my brothers & sisters , I was in 7th class in Nellore, it was taken after I had just recovered from prolonged bronchitis.” The photograph features Megastar Chiranjeevi, Nagababu, and sister Vijayadurga. Pawan Kalyan is the youngest of the three brothers. This childhood pic of Pawan Kalyan is going viral on social media.
Megastar Chiranjeevi is with the Congress party after he merged his Praja Rajyam Party with Congress after the 2009 elections. He is now Raja Sabha Member. Pawan Kalyan who supported his brother in the 2009 elections, floated his own party, the Jana Sena Party, and supported BJP-TDP by campaigning for them in the 2014 election. Pawan Kalyan is currently doing his Praja Porata Yatra in North Andhra.
The Jana Sena Party organized a meeting with the fans and followers of the party in the city on Thursday. Some of the Congress leaders including B Satyanarayana and others joined the party. On this occasion Pawan Kalyan said, “I am asking Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu to provide good governance in the state. But, the chief minister Naidu is not taking any action on the TDP leaders, who are involved in land mafia, sand mafia and other scandals.
Jan Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan warned MLA Bandaru Satyanarayana Murthy and his son over encroachment of lands and also slapping false cases on Janasena activists. Pawan Kalyan alleged that MLA son has been encouraging to remove Jana Sena flexes in the constituency. Whereas Bandaru Satyanarayana Murthy challenged Pawan Kalyan to prove allegations against him.
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