Renu Desai damaged her ex-husband Pawan Kalyan’s image in her recent interview. In an chit chat with Swapna, Renu Desai opened up about her divorce with Pawan Kalyan, about her journey as a single mother and also revealed the struggles she faced on the path.
Renu Desai took her facebook and shared an video of her chit chat with Swapna. She captioned it, “I am starting a new chapter of my life and I would like all the blessings and good wishes possible. This interview is not about Kalyan Garu or me talking negative about him. This interview is my letting go of my past and my closure. And I would take this opportunity to again sincerely thank everyone who have stood by me and given me the strength to believe that I have a chance at life again.”
Renu Desai said, “Pawan Kalyan is a great actor and now he is in politics. I did not ask Pawan Kalyan to give divorce. He insisted and I finally agreed for divorce. After a break with him, I was mentally distressed for over a year. His fans call me Vadina. There is nothing wrong in this but calling Vadina in connection with Pawan Kalayn is wrong. Now he is married and has two kids. As for my second marriage, my kids Aadhya and Akira Nandan are happy.
Renu Desai added, “Though Pawan Kalyan is a good father but how many days Pawan Kalyan spends with his children? He meets his children twice in a year. He doesn’t have time for them. Pawan Kalyan is a good person in this society. I will support him in this regard. He does not like money. He only wants to serve people.”
Renu Desai further said, “During our divorce, I requested Pawan Kalyan to issue a public statement to clarify everything. Many women have questioned me in social media sites on second marriage. I want to say them, marriage is not for the children, but for a good companion.” Renu Desai questioned, “If you are the wife of Pawan Kalyan for 11 years and come to know that, he becomes a father to another daughter with another woman without telling you, how would you behave? “
Renu Desai urged netigens not to comment with their fake profiles and asked them to stop doing it.
Renu Desai is all set to tie the knot for the second time soon.
from topstories – Tollywood