It is known news that Samantha who is enjoying huge fan base in both Telugu States, has tied the knot with Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, the son of King Nagarjuna, last year in Goa. Samantha is quite active on social media sites and used to interact with her fans on Twitter. Today one of Samantha’s fan posted a wedding pic of the actress on his twitter and tagged Samantha. But in this pic the groom with Samantha is not Naga Chaitanya!. He asked the actress: What Is This??? Samantha replied, “Eloped last week .. don’t know how this leaked .. It was love at first sight.”The funny conversation between Samantha and her fan is grabbing the attention of Akkineni fans.
According to the latest buzz in the film Industry, Samantha is planning to take a short break from Film Industry. Currently the actress has few movies in her hands. These years, after delivering three hit movies like Mahanati, Rangasthalam and Abhimanyudu, Samantha is currently waiting for the release of bilingual movie U Turn, which is being made in Telugu and Tamil. She has already wrapped up the shoot of Seema Raja and recently her look from Pornam’s directorial venture went viral on social media. This year Samantha will also be seen in Super Deluxe. There are few directors who are waiting for her dates but Samantha is said to be planning to take a break after completing her ongoing commitments.
Recently her next upcoming film with hubby Naga Chaitanya has been launched by Nagarjuna, which will be helmed by Shiva Nirvana. It is heard that both Samantha and Naga Chaitanya will be seen playing couple. The makers have roped Bollywood actress Divyansha Kaushik to play the crucial role. This will be the first film for the couple- Naga Chaitanya and Samantha post their wedding. The movie will be jointly produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi.
Eloped last week .. don’t know how this leaked .. It was love at first sight
— Samantha Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 29, 2018
from topstories – Tollywood