Sri Reddy, the controversial Telugu actress, filed a complaint against director Varahi for calling her a “prostitute.” It seems, she has accepted her mistake and instead of creating any hungama on Social media sites – Facebook and Twitter, which she is using as a weapon to be in limelight, she asked the police for help. When Jana Sena President Pawan Kalyan suggested to her, instead of going to TV studio, she should go to police stations and the courts for the justice. She abused him in public and hit herself with her slipper in front of cameras for having called Pawan Kalyan her brother. But now Sri Reddy is following Pawan Kalyan’s advice. Sri Reddy herself has revealed that she has been sexually exploited by number of actors and film makers by promising film opportunities. According to Sri Reddy, She has shared bed her bed with number of actors and film makers but later they failed to keep their promises. She did not file police complaint against them those harassed her sexually but she filed the complaint against Varahi who called her prostitute.
It is heard that Sri Reddy met the Chennai Police Commissioner and lodged a complaint against the director Varahi. In the past, she has accused big stars like Abhiram Daggubati- the son of producer Suresh Babu, A R Murugadoss, Koratala Siva, Natural Star Nani, actor-choreographer-director Raghava Lawrence and actor Srikanth. Recently Sri Reddy also accused that Vishal Reddy is threatening her after she revealed dark secrets about Telugu and Tamil Film Industries. Whenever Sri Reddy got the chance, she tried to criticize Pawan Kalyan.
After filing the complaint against Varahi , Sri Reddy interacted with media persons said, “What proof does Varahi have for his allegations and if he was present when A R Murugadoss or others paid her or did he pay on their behalf?
from topstories – Tollywood