Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s upcoming movie is titled Amar Akbar Anthony. Today, on the occasion of Independence day, the makers have released the first look concept poster of Amar Akbar Anthony. Logo and Poster Designs of this entertainer is very interesting. Goa beauty Ileana D’Cruz is making her comeback in Telugu film Industry with this film. She is playing the female lead role and Sunil is playing crucial role. Earlier both Ileana D C’ruz and Ravi Teja have worked together for Khatarnak, Kick and Devudu Chesina Manushulu. This is the fourth time, when both teamed up again.
Apart from the lead pair, the film has other stars like Vennala Kishore, Ravi Prakash, Vikram jit, Rajveer Singh, Tarun Arora, Aditya Menon, Abhimamyu Singh, Shiyaji Shinde, Subhalekha Sudhakar and others in supporting roles.
Ravi Teja shared the Amar Akbar Anthony concept Poster on his twitter and wrote, “And here’s the concept poster of #AmarAkbarAnthony #AAAConceptPoster @MythriOfficial @SreenuVaitla.”
Director Srinu Vaitala wrote on the wall of Twitter, “Wishing a very happy Independence Day to all of us . Here goes the concept poster of Amar Akbar Anthony #AAA release on oct5th . @RaviTeja_offl @Ileana_Official @MythriOfficial.”
The Poduction house Mythri Movie Makers tweeted, “Here’s the much awaited #AAAConceptPoster #AmarAkbarAnthony in Theatres Worldwide from October 5th.”
Amar Akbar Anthony is being directed Srinu Vaitla and being bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers whereas the film has the music by SS Thaman. The major part of the movie is being shot in USA. The sources close to the team revealed that the makers have already wrapped up the half of the shoot. The First Look Poster will be unveiled very soon.
This year Ravi Teja has delivered two movies- Touch Chesi Chudu, and Nela Ticket. Tocuh Chesi Chudu is directed by Vikram Sirikonda and produced under the banner of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions.
from topstories – Tollywood