Bigg Boss 2 Telugu, being hosted by Natural Star Nani, which was launched on 10th June 2018, has completed more than 50 days. Recently Nutan Naidu and anchor Shyamala(did not join the Bigg Boss 2 house yet), wild card entries like Nandini and Pooja Ramachandran made their re-entry into the Bigg Boss 2 Telugu. The controversial reality show was started with 16 contestants and after the completion of 50 days, there are still 14 contestants in Bigg Boss 2 house. According to the latest buzz, 2 Contestants will be eliminated this week.
Humanist Babu Gogineni, Kaushal Manda, Ganesh, Deepti and Nandini are in the nomination list. It is expected that this time Ganesh, Nandini or Babu Gogineni can be asked to leave Bigg Boss 2 house. In the last few episodes Babu Gogineni has been rubbing folks on the wrong side hence this looks possible. In recent episode, Contestant Kaushal nominated Babu Gogineni for the elimination from Bigg Boss 2 Telugu for criticizing Baahubali director SS Rajamouli. Bigg Boss asked each contestant to nominate two housemates and give reasons for it. All the participants nominated two people each. Kaushal, who came in the end, nominated Nandini for cheating him and Babu Gogineni for criticizing SS Rajamouli and MM Keeravani.
Kaushal said, “Babu Gogineni, You don’t believe in god. But Rajamouli is a god for actors, directors and the Telugu film industry. MM Keeravani is a god for music. You criticised them after entering the house and that is the first mistake.” Many viewers resorted to troll Kaushal, claiming that it is his gimmick to garner the votes of all the Telugu film goers. Let’s wait for tee result.
On the otherside, few audiences are criticizing Bigg Boss 2 Telugu because Pooja Ramachandran, who is a malayali from Tamilnadu, born and raised in Bangalore, has made her entry in Bigg Boss 2 Telugu. Netizens are questioning, when Pooja Ramachandran doesn’t know Telugu, then why is she in Bigg Boss 2 Telugu. They are also suggesting the organizers could bring a Telugu girl. Anyways, Pooja Ramachandran has now got a very good opportunity and it has to be seen whether the actress can deliver what is expected of her.
from topstories – Tollywood