Dhanush, the Kollywood star is currently on ninth cloud after receiving praises from Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Recently the official teaser of Dhanush starrer Vada Chennai was released online that grabbed several eyeballs because of action episode and hot lip lock between Dhanush and Aishwarya Rajesh. Directed by Vetri Maaran of Aadukalam and Visaaranai fame, the film marks the fifth time collaboration of Dhanush and national award-winning filmmaker Vetri Maaran. The teaser of Veda Chennai is getting a good response from the audience on social media. Yesterday Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan also reacted on Dhanush Starrer Veda Chennai teaser and wrote on the wall of his twitter, “My friend the multifaceted @dhanushkraja new film’s teaser. Very edgy & intriguing.” Dhanush replied, “How sweet and kind of you sir. Thank you so much. Big big hug. I’m super thrilled you liked the teaser.”
Aishwarya Rajesh is playing the love interest of Dhanush whereas Andrea is playing Ameer’s wife in this upcoming much awaited film Veda Chennai. The teaser has managed to get a record 3 M views in a single day. The teaser hints that Veda Chennai is all about the gang wars, drugs and a battle for power. Dhanush will be seen in two different looks in the film – a youthful, clean-shaven look with a funky hairstyle like the 70s and 80, and an older look with a short, thick beard. Andrea is also seen as a married woman.The teaser also featured the lip lock between Dhanush and Aishwarya Rajesh. Onscreen kiss is not new for Dhanush. The sources close to the film unit reveal that Aishwarya Rajesh, who is keen on playing offbeat characters, agreed to do the intimate scene because she understood its importance in the movie.
Apart from the lead pair, Veda Chennai has other stars like Daniel Balaji, Kishore in supporting roles.
Meanwhile Shah Rukh Khan is busy in his upcoming movie Zero, which is in post production stage.
How sweet and kind of you sir. Thank you so much. Big big hug. I’m super thrilled you liked the teaser. https://t.co/pmwRaymKV2
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) July 31, 2018
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