Manikarnika First Look: Kangana Ranaut looks royal and fierce as warrior Queen Laxmibai on Manikarnika First Look Poster. The film has been directed by national award winning director Krish and will hit the theaters on 25th January 2019 and will clash with Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30 at the box office. While the makers of Manikanrnika decided to release the teaser of the film on 2nd October, on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the poster of the period drama was unveiled on the occasion of India’s 72nd Independence Day. The makers have chosen 15th August, as a special day to release Manikarnika First Look Poster because Rani Laxmibai has been a prominent figure in Indian Independence and played the important role.
The director Krish also shared the Manikarnika First Look Poster on his twitter and captioned it, “#Manikarnika – the queen of Jhansi”
Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut looks every bit regal on the poster which seems to be a still from the battlefield. Kangana Ranuat as Queen of Jhansi, looks fierce and aggressive. She portrays the aura of a queen. She is seen riding the horse in the battlefield, fighting her enemies with her baby. The poster reads, “Kangana Ranaut in and as Manikarnika”. The upcoming war drama Mani is based on Laxmibai’s war against the East India Company during the Rebellion in 1857. Apart from Kangana Ranaut, the film has other stars like Atul Kulkarni as Tatya Tope, Sonu Sood as Sadashiv and Ankita Lokhande as Jhalkarbai.
Recently during the shoot of the movie Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, Kangana Ranaut got injured and had to be rushed to the hospital. Manikarnika is written by K V Vijayendra Prasad and produced by Zee Studios in association with Kamal Jain & Nishant Pitti. It has the music by Shankar–Ehsaan–Loy.
from topstories – Tollywood