The theatrical release date of ‘Aatagallu’ starring Nara Rohith and Jagapathi Babu in the lead roles, is confirmed on August 24th. Being directed by Paruchuri Murali, the film co-stars Darshana Banik and marks her debut.The film’s shooting has been wrapped up and the post-production works are under progress. This is an intense drama and come up with the tagline ‘Game for life.’ The response to the first look poster was amazing and episodes involving Rohith and Jagapathi are going to be major highlight of the film. Sai Kartheek is composing music while Vijay C Kumar has handled the cinematography.
Nara Rohith, Jagapathi Babu,Brahmanandam, Darshana Banik and Others
Director: Paruchuri Murali
Producers: Vasireddy Ravindranath, Vasireddy Shivaji Prasad, Makkena Ramu and Vadlapudi Jitendra
Banner: Friends Movie Creations
Music: Sai Kartheek
Cinematographer: Vijay C Kumar
PRO: Vamsishekar
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