Rana Daggubati is playing the role of AP CM ChandraBabu Naidu in NTR biopic, which is progressing at brisk pace in the direction of National award winning director Krish. Rana Daggubati has joined the sets of upcoming movie – NTR biopic today. This news is confirmed by Rana Daggubati, himself as he shared a pic of himself with Krish and Nandamuri Balakrishna, on his Twitter. He captioned it, “Coming together to tell you a story of an incredible human phenomenon called “N.T.RamaRao” It may be mentioned here that Chandra Babu Naidu’s son Nara Lokesh is married to Balakrishna’s daughter.
Being Balakrishna’s dream project, a lot of research has gone into it and the biopic will have several interesting facts about the late Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, NT Rama Rao. Interestingly, the NTR biopic is being jointly produced by Balakrishna with Vishu Induri and Sai Korraputi.
The regular shoot of NTR biopic was started from 29th March 2018 at the Ramakrishna Cine Studios in Hyderabad. Meanwhile, the film NTR biopic marks the Telugu debut of Bengali actor Jisshu Sengupta as the late filmmaker and Dadasaheb Phalke awardee LV Prasad. Bollywood actress Vidya Balan is playing the role of NTR’s wife Basavatarakam, who he had married at the age of 20. Apart from them, NTR biopic has other stars like Prakash Raj, Murali Sharma, and Kaikala Satyanarayana in supporting roles. According to the latest update, the team has already completed the first schedule successfully in Hyderabad. The second schedule will be started from 13th August and the prep work for it is on now.
Apart from NTR Biopic, Rana Daggubati will also be seen Haathi Mere Saathi, in which he is playing the role of Bandev.
Rana Daggubati is also making his Malayalam debut with Anizham Thirunal Marthanda Varma :The King of Travancore .
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