RX 100 starring Karthikeya and Payal Rajput, is the biggest hit in the recent times. The makers did not imagine that the film would become a huge success at the box office. RX 100 was released on 12th July 2018 and turned out blockbuster at the box office. Made of the budget of approx Rs 2.5 Cr, RX 100 went on to collect nearly Rs 11 Cr shares at worldwide box office. According to the latest update, RX 100 has created record at the box office. The emotional romantic drama has collected a whopping Rs 50 lakh gross at a single theater. It is an achievement for a small budget movie. RX 100 has collected Rs 50,45,985 gross at the iconic Devi 70mm theater at the RTC X Roads in just 23 days.
The film RX 100 is directed by Ajay Bhupathi and produced by Ashok Reddy Gummakonda whereas it has the music by Chaitan Bharadwaj. Rao Ramesh and Ramki played the supporting roles. According to the traders report, RX 100 has earned Rs 72 Lakhs shares from Nizam area in 22 days. The story of RX 100 is based in the rural village of Godavari where Shiva (Karthikeya) falls in love with Indu (Payal Rajput). But the couple gets separated through a very shocking twist.
The movie RX 100 is unstoppable at the box office. It is a small budgeted flick that generated bigger revenues at the box office. Considering the huge success margin, Bollywood production house ‘Phantom’ approached the film’s director Ajay Bhupathi for a possible collaboration to remake the movie in Hindi. According to the latest update Karthikeya has signed his next upcoming film, which will be helmed by TN Krishna of Nuvvu Nenu Prema fame and produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu under the banner of Star Production.
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