Terrorists fired in the air after looting Rs 5.77 lakh from State Bank of India (SBI) branch in south Kashmir’s Kulgam district on Wednesday. This Terrorist Bank robbery was caught in camera. The CCTV footage shows terrified officials and customers at the State Bank of India (SBI) branch in Kulgam district of south Kashmir. The terrorists covered their faces with mask and they held AK-47s in their hands. In the video, one can also see how one of the gunmen slapped and threatened the people who were present in the SBI bank.
According to police reports, 6-8 terrorist terrorists barged into the SBI branch in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kulgam district and allegedly looted Rs 5,77,850 at gunpoint on Wednesday. The incident occurred at Qaimoh in Kulgam district of south Kashmir in daylight. The investigation in the case has been launched to nab the gunmen who are being suspected as militants.
The most shocking part of this Terrorist Bank Robbery is that after looting the bank, one of the gunman fired in the air from his weapon while escaping from the area in a car.
The Jammu and Kashmir Police are trying to trace the bank notes, which has been looted. This is not the first time, when such type of robbery took place in the State. There has been number of bank loot incidents in Jammu and Kashmir since Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi announced the scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes on 8th November , 2016. The investigation has been initiated in this case of robbery but, there are no reports of an arrest.
On 28th May, 2 terrorists looted Rs 1.7 lakh from a bank in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. They also snatched a 12-bore rifle from the guard of the J & K Bank branch at Srigufwara.
#WATCH Terrorists barge inside a branch of J&K Bank in Karpan area of Shopian district (J&K). The terrorists looted cash, also snatched a 12 bore rifle from the private security guard deputed at the branch. Police investigation is underway. pic.twitter.com/RMZ0Lf1JGy
— ANI (@ANI) August 3, 2018
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