Rajinikanth‘s brother Mr. Sathyanarayanan’s wife Kalavathi Sathyaranayanan has breathed her last night at 11 pm. She was 72. Rajinikanth’s spokesperson Riaz Ahmed has confirmed the death news of Mrs Kalavathi via a tweet. His tweet reads: Actor Rajinikanth’s brother Sathyanarayanan’s wife S Kalavathi Sathyanarayanan (Ages 72) has passed away around 11 pm last night. I wish for her soul to rest in peace.”
On the workside, Superstar Rajinikanth was last seen in gangster drama Kaala, and currently he is busy in his upcoming movie with Karthik Subbaraj. Recently the Chennai schedule of Rajinikanth’s film has been wrapped up. Nawazuddin Siddiqui has also joined the team. The makers canned few crucial scenes at Binny Mills. According to the latest updatem the next schedule will be happening in Ladakh.
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