The Assam Police has arrested television actor Jahnavi Saikia in connection with bomb blast. According to the police report, they have arrested two people on Thursday in connection with a grenade attack on Zoo Road in Guwahati. The police claimed that one of them who has been identified as Pranomoy Rajguru, is a “senior cadre” of the United Liberation Front of Assam.
One of the prime accused, Jahnabi Saikia, who identified as TV actress, who comes from a well to do family of doctor narrated the series of events which led to the blast during interrogation.
It is heard that when the Police raided 40 years old Jahnabi Saikia’ house with Pranamoy Rajguru, a senior ULFA leader, they found grenade making devices with explosives.
25 rounds of ammunition, 20 kg of gunpowder, 9 mm pistol and bomb-making equipment were seized during the raid in Bagharbari.
Pranamoy Rajguru and Jahnabi Saikia are now in the custody of Panbazar Police and are in the process of being presented in front of judicial magistrate.
Guwahati Police Commissioner, Deepak Kumar, said, “When we received inputs that 3-4 people, who were involved in the blast, were staying in a house in Panjabari area. So, we conducted a recce early morning next day after which we arrested Pranamoy Rajguru and Jahnabi Saikia.”.
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal promised to punish those involved in the grenade attack.
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