According to the latest buzz in the film Industry, the beautiful actress Keerthy Suresh has signed an upcoming Telugu movie which has been titled as Sakhi. The movie will be helmed by a newcomer Nagendra and the regular shoot of the film has been already started. Touted to be woman centric movie, Keerthy Suresh will be seen in a very powerful role in Sakhi, which is being bankrolled by Mahesh S Koneru. Apart from Keerthy Suresh, the movie will also have Rajendra Prasad, Nadhiya, Naresh, Kamal Kamaraju and Bhanu Sree Mehra in supporting roles.
In Tollywood, Keerthy Suresh was last seen in Mahanati, directed by Nag Ashwin, where she essayed the role of South Indian film actress Savitri.
After the super success of Mahanati, actually, Keerthi Suresh hasn’t featured in any Telugu movie. Earlier Keerthy Suresh was doing all the big films alongside star heroes. But after Mahanati, she has stopped signing big films and started focusing on female centric movies.
Whenever we hear the word Sakhi, Mani Ratnam’s musical romantic classic comes to our mind, in which newcomers Madhavan and Shalini played the lead roles and the movie was released in 2000.
On the other side, rumors are rife that Keerthy Suresh is a part of Nagarjuna and Rakul Preet Singh starrer Manmadhudu 2. Apart from Samantha, she will also play the role of cameo
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