Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde starrer Maharshi has crossed the Rs 200 crore mark at the worldwide box office after the successful run of its first week. Maharshi which was released on 9th May, continues its golden run at the box office. The social message oriented drama is shattering records at the ticket windows and has now crossed the Rs 200 Cr marks at the worldwide box office and going by the current scenario, we are expecting the film to soon enter the Rs 300 crore club.
Maharshi highlights the struggles of farmers. Mahesh Babu is essaying the role of Rishi who becomes a successful millionaire but later he misses his college life. Mahesh Babu is seen in 3 shades in Maharshi – a student, businessman and a farmer.
According to the traders report, Maharshi has crossed the collections of Bharat Ane Nenu which has earned Rs 232.68 crores. As the makers are claiming that Maharshi has crushed the record of BAN, it means Maharshi has collected more than Rs 233 crores gross in just one week.
Maharshi is Mahesh Babu’ 25th film, which is directed by Vamsi Paidipally and also stars Allari Naresh in a crucial role. The movie is being jointly produced by Dil Raju, Aswini Dutt and PVP Pictures. Despite getting a huge thumbs up from the movie lovers, Maharshi has received mixed reviews from the critics.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood