On the occasion of his father and Superstar Krishna’ birthday, Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu made official announcement regarding his next upcoming project which has been titled as Sarileru Neekevvaru. In the mid night surprise, Mahesh Babu released the title poster of his upcoming movie Sarileru Neekevvaru, which will be directed by Anil Ravipudi, who is basking in the glory of his recent offering F2 Fun and Frustration. Mahesh Babu took to his Twitter to share the title poster of Sarileru Neekevvaru and captioned it, “Sankranti 2020… All geared up!!! #SarileruNeekevvaru @AnilRavipudi @AnilSunkara1 @SVC_Official @GMBEnts.”
Not only this Mahesh Babu also sent his birthday wishes to his father Krishna via a tweet and wrote, “Wishing the inspiration of my life, my father, the evergreen Superstar a very Happy Birthday #Happy75thBirthdaySuperstarKrishna.”
One of Mahesh Babu’ fan named Abilash Reddy @AbilashReddyy tweeted, “The gun and helmet hints that @urstrulyMahesh Works in the army, the fence on the title hints at a superb war episode, @AnilRavipudi onboard gets you guaranteed entertainment, @SVC_official brings in good content and superb star cast with all this makes a blockbuster..!”
It is heard that Rashmika Mandanna will play the female lead whereas Vijayashanthi will play his aunt. Currently Mahesh Babu is enjoying the success of his recent offering Maharshi, directed by Vamsi Paidipally.
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