It is known news that Poonam Kaur was recently in the new headlines when she met Telangana Police and lodged a complaint against a Youtube Channel. After few days, it was heard that YSRCP leader Lakshmi Paravathi was also harassed on social media platforms by a bunch of unknown people. Now according to the police report, the person behind these acts is one and the same.
The actress Poonam Kaur filed the police case against a Youtube Channel which was trying to defame the actress by posting the fake audio tape. On the other-side, Lakshmi Parvathi was tortured by a FaceBook page and YouTube channel where some wrong data about her was being posted.
Poonam Kaur filed the complaint with cyber crime wing, alleging that an audio tape of her, defaming Jana Sena President Pawan Kalyan is going rounds on the internet. Whereas Lakshmi Parvathi too met DGP Mahender Reddy over s*xual harassment on Facebook by a man named Koti. She also filed a case against two Telugu You Tube Channels which telecasted alleged audio clips on her.
After the investigation, Cyber Crime officials have come to know that the man who harassed both the ladies- Poonam Kaur and Lakshmi Parvathi are one and the same. It means he was Koti who was harassing both the ladies- Poonam Kaur and Lakshmi Parvathi. Currently Koti, is absconding.
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