Telugu actor Prabhakar, who rose to fame through the role ‘Kaalakeya’ in SS Rajamouli’s directorial venture- the historic and war drama Baahubali: The Beginning, has been roped in to play a pivotal role in a big budget Kannada film Bicchugatthi. Rajamouli is falling the love of Prabhakar’ look in this upcoming film.
Rajavardhan in playing the lead role and currently the shoot is going on at the brisk pace in the direction of Hari Santhosh. Post Baahubali, Kalakeya Prabhakar is getting good offers from all industries. He impressed the movie lovers with his deadly looks, and especially with the language of Kiliki. The look of Prabhakar has been released and Rajamouli is very impresses with it. According to Rajamouli, Prabhakar has got another befitting role.
Prabhakar is known for his role as Inkoshi, king of the Kalakeyas in Baahubali: The Beginning. He has starred in films like Maryada Ramanna which won the Nandi Film Award for Best Feature Film in Telugu for 2010, and Dongaata in which Adivi Sesh and Lakshmi Manchu played the lead roles. Prabhakarhas played a minor role as villain in Mahesh Babu starrer Athidi, directed by Surender Reddy and supporting artiste in his earlier career. He has starred in more than 80 All Indian movies. Recently he has been roped in Bicchugatth to play the key role.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood