Recently Vijay Deverakonda was trolled by the netizens when the trailer of his upcoming movie Dear Comrade was released. He got trolled for lip lock scene. Earlier, his movies Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam totally wooed the audience with his lip-lock scenes, and now Dear Comrade too, is here to do the trick! The trailer of the action drama gives the audience a glimpse of some intense kissing between the lead pair Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna. Now it is being hard that Vijay Deverakonda will also be seen locking lips with the female lead in upcoming film, which will be helmed by Kranthi Kumar. Raashi Khanna and Aishwarya Rajesh are the part of this film.
Now everyone is curious to know that with whom Vijay Deverakonda will lock his lips, Aishwarya Rajesh or Raashi Khanna?
According to the latest update, the shoot of the film has already started. Raashi Khanna has been roped in as one among the female lead of this upcoming film and it is being heard that that the film will have a lip-lock scene featuring them (Vijay Deverakonda and Raashi Khanna). The rumors are also rife that the lip-lock scene will be a very lengthy.
Currently Vijay Deverakonda is waiting for the release of his upcoming movie Dear Comrade.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood