Popular Kollywood hero Vishal has turned Maharshi in real life. The actor has shown his soft side towards farmers yet again. He has taken a bold step and come in the support of farmers. Ever since Vishal had taken charge as the General Secretary and President of the Nadigar Sangam and Tamil Film Producer’s Council respectively, the talented actor has been chipping in with his contributions for the people in need and now he has come in the support of farmers. Vishal has pledged to donate Rs 1 rupee per every ticket sold for his latest film, Ayogya, to the distressed farmers in Tamil Nadu.
Even as the government is finding it difficult to solve issues of the farmers, Vishal made a huge initiative to support them. His noble gestures are winning the hearts of his fans. Earlier a rupee from every sold ticket from his movie Abhimanyudu was donated to the Farmers Welfare Fund of Tamil Nadu and now once again Vishal has decided to donate a rupee from the ticket of Ayogya to the farmers in a similar manner.
Vishal is currently enjoying the success of his recently released movie Ayogya , the remake of Telugu movie Temper in which Jr NTR and Kajal Aggarwal played the lead role. In Ayogya, Vishal played the role of corrupt cop and romanced with Raashi Khanna.
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