The pictures of Kajal Aggarwal in bikini are going viral on the social media. Currently she is enjoying her holidays with sister Nisha and nephew. Nisha Aggarwal too was an actress who made her entry to films with Yemaindi Ee Vela. After acting in couple of films she tied the knot with businessman Karan Valecha. And the couple has a kid.
Kajal Aggarwal shared few pics of herself with Nisha and nephew on Instgram. Kajal’ stunning pool photos are too hot to handle. The epitome of grace and elegance, the actress is winning hearts and her happy photos are truly taking away our Monday blues. She captioned it, “Much needed ! #watertherapy #waterbaby#bummingaroundinthepoolthissummer.”
Kajal Aggarwal’ sister Nisha welcomed son Ishaan on 27th October, 2017. The actress is truly enjoying some splash, giggles with her baby nephew.
On the work side, Kajal Aggarwal was last seen in Teja’ directorial venture Sita in which Young actor Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas played the lead role. On its opening day the movie received negative response and rejected by the audiences.
On the other-side, Kajal Aggarwal will also be seen in Paris Paris, the remake of Bollywood hit film Queen in which Kangana Ranaut played the female lead role. The film has been directed by Ramesh Arvind.
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