The gorgeous diva Kajal Aggarwal is taking the social media by storm with her hot photo-shoots these days. The actress is setting the fashion goals by experimenting with several looks. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Kajal Aggarwal has walked out from upcoming project Indian 2 in which Kamal Haasan will play the lead role.
Earlier it was heard that Kamal Haasan’ starrer Indian 2, directed by Shankar, was shelved due to a fallout between the director and producers of Lyca Productions. But Kajal Aggarwal herself confirmed the news that the project is not shelved. But now it is being heard that as she has multiple movies in her kitty, has walked out from Indian 2.
The buzz is that since Kajal Aggarwal is busy with a few other projects, she was left with no option but to opt out of Bharateeyudu 2/Indian 2 due to the delay. However, an official confirmation is awaited regarding this news.
Lyca Productions is producing this prestigious project Indian 2. The movie is the sequel to director Shankar’s film of the same name, which was released in 1996. The film had Kamal Haasan’s character taking on corrupt officials.
On the otherside, Kajal Aggarwal was last seen in Sita in which Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas played the lead roles. But the movie received negative response by the movie lovers and its opening day.
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