Kartikeya who made his debut in Tollywood with Ajay Bhupathi’ directorial venture RX 100, is currently busy in his upcoming movie Guna 369. Currently the shoot is going on at the brisk pace and the makers are planning to release the teaser. According to the latest update, the teaser of Guna 369, will be released on 17th June. This news is confirmed by Kartikeya himself as he took to his Twitter and shared a new poster. He captioned it, “#Guna369 Intense Hard-Hitting Emotional Mass Movie coming next . Teaser out this 17th. I admit that i failed to meet the expectations last time but i promise this is going to make us all proud big time in all ways. @ArjunJandyala is a name that will be remembered for long time.”
Kartikeya again tweeted, “Get ready for Guna’s raw intence emotional drama…#WarriorGuna moving into the warfare from tomorrow at 11:11AM. #Guna369Teaser #Guna369TeaserOnJune17th @ArjunJandyala #TheMainman #Chief.” The movie is helmed by Boyapati Srinu’ assistant Arjun Jandhyala. The sources say that after watching Kartikeya’ performance on the sets , Boyapati Srinu decided to make an medium budget action entertainer with him.
Kartikeya was last seen in Hippi, directed by TN Krishna and bankrolled by Kalaipuli S. Thanu under the banner of V Creations but the movie was ended up commercially flop at the box office.
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