Rajasthan beauty Suman Rao is crowned as Miss India for the year 2019. The Grand Finale was held at Sardar Vallabhai Patel Grounds in Mumbai last night. Miss India 2018 winner Anukreethy Vyas has crowned her successor Suman Rao after the declaration of the final results. Shreya Shanker from Bihar won Miss India United Continents 2019 title during the grand finale of the beauty pageant on Saturday.
The event was adjudged by Bollywood choreographer Remo D’Souza alongside actress Chitrangada Singh, Huma Qureshi, fashion designer Falguni Shane Peacocka and the Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri among others. Whereas the event was hosted by the Bollywood filmmaker and Baahubali presenter Karan Johar and actor Manish Paul.
Suman Rao is all set to represent the country in Miss World 2019. The 20-year-old Suman Rao is currently pursuing a course in Charted Accountancy course from New Delhi along with B.Com.
The 20-year-old model Suman Rao was born on 23rd November 1999 but brought up in Mumbai. The beautiful lady also has the title of Miss India Rajasthan 2019 under her belt. And now she is all set to represent India in the coveted Miss World 2019 which is going to take place in Pattaya, Bangkok in the month of December 2019.
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