Kannada beauty Rashmika Mandanna is currently working with Kollywood star Karthi for her upcoming movie, Sultan which is based on the life of 19th century King, Tippu Sulthan. The shoot is going on in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. According to the latest update, local villagers came in big numbers on the sets of Rashmika Mandanna and Karthi’s film and attacked on the sets.
Rashmika Mandanna and Karthi starrer Sultan is directed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan and produced by SR Prabhu under the banner of Dream Warrior Pictures. The protesters claimed that the upcoming film was about Tipu Sultan and demanded that the shooting of the movie not be held at the fort.
They demanded that the shooting of Sultan be stopped as they did not want a Karnataka based King’s film to be shot in Tamil Nadu. The sources say that the shoot was halted for several hours before the cops intervened and settled the situation.
Finally the shoot of Rashmika Mandanna and Karthi starrer Sultan came to a halt after a group attacked at the shooting spot.
The production house slammed the protesters, and said that of late, incidents of private individuals and some groups attacking movies for their personal gain and publicity are on the rise. The statement reads, “We strongly condemn any efforts made by any organisation or individual to stifle the freedom of the creators.”
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