It is a known fact that senior Congress leader and former Finance minister Chidambaram is lodged in the Tihar jail under the serious allegations of the INX Media corruption case. Though Chidambaram is making repeated attempts to get bail over the case, the courts have been repeatedly denying it.
Now, from the latest update, it was known that today the Delhi High Court has rejected the bail petition of Chidambaram once again. And the Solicitor General Tushar Mehta who has been arguing against for Chidambaram’s release has appealed the court saying, if court frees the accused on bail, then there could be a chance of victim fleeing from the country in order to escape from this serious offense.
From the reports, it was also known that the court said that releasing of Chidambaram may lead to the influence of witnesses. P Chidambaram was arrested by the CBI officials around 40 days ago under the corruption of INX Media and money laundering cases.
Later, he was put under the interrogation for a couple of weeks and then he was sent to the Tihar jail, where he has been lodging there from 25 days.
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