Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, who has delivered back to back commercially flop movies, is currently busy in the shoot of his ongoing project Disco Raja, which is progressing at the brisk pace in the direction of VI Anand. Recently it was also heard that Ravi Teja will act in Ajay Bhupathi’ directorial venture but the actor has walked out from this project. Ravi Teja is yet to score a big commercial hit. We have already reported that Ravi Teja has teamed up with Gopichand Malineni for an upcoming project and according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Ravi Teja will don Khaki dress once again.
Maa Maharaja Ravi Teja is going to don in Khaki avatar in Gopichand Malineni’ upcoming untitled film, which will go on the floor very soon. This time, Ravi Teja will join the sets of Gopichand Malineni’s film immediately after wrapping up the shoot of VI Anand’ movie Disco Raja in which RX 100 bombshell Payal Rajput is playing the female lead.
Earlier Ravi Teja has played the role of cop in Vikram Singh Rathod, Power and Touch Chesi Choodu.
Ravi Teja and Gopichand Malineni have worked together twice so far, for ‘Don Seenu’ and ‘Balupu’, which turned out to be blockbuster hits. This time they are planning to score hat trick with their next project.
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