Mega fans are shocked as the controversial film maker Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV showered praises for Sye Raa Trailer. Today the producer Ram Charan unveiled the second trailer of Sye Raa on Twitter and after watching it RGV took to his Twitter and shared his positive received, “WOWWWW! #SyeRaa is an ultimate befitting tribute to the phenomenon of MEGA STAR CHIRANJEEVI GARU ..Kudos to Producer RAM CHARAN for giving this gift to both his father and the audience” RGV is popular for making controversial comments on Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan. But this time his positive tweet is giving shock to mega fans and they are trolling him on social media sites. Few comments are as follows:
ꓷ ɯɐɐɹᴉɐɐm @GoHuntInGoogle: Positive tweet from a Negative guy!
KingofGoodtimes @urumuladevudu: Ratri peg padaleda ???
igKnightMonk @cvsreekar: Idi peg padaka mundu RGV
dim చిక్కు dim చిక్కు@GnanaSapuram73: Entra eroju peg veyaleda endi Nee cheyi padithe edaina Assam Ika tweet cheyaku
VENKATESH DUDDu @dudduvenkatesh: I believe this message maybe from fake account of RGV – it’s shocking to hear such positive comment
Earlier RGV was suppose to direct a film for Chiranjeevi but the latter was said to have backed out of the project after which Ram Gopal Varma has been ranting against Sye Raa star on Twitter.
WOWWWW! #SyeRaa is an ultimate befitting tribute to the phenomenon of MEGA STAR CHIRANJEEVI GARU ..Kudos to Producer RAM CHARAN for giving this gift to both his father and the audience
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) September 26, 2019
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