Currently, all eyes are on upcoming big-budget multilingual drama Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, which is gearing up for grand release on 2nd October on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi. Megastar Chiranjeevi is playing the role of Freedom fighter and Sye Raa is his dream project. The promotional activities have been already started and yesterday Chiranjeevi was spotted in Mumbai as a part of promotional activities. Sye Raa is all set to smash all the Historic records at the box office. Umair Sandhu- the Editor of Indian Cinema Magazine UK & UAE, Member of UK Censor Board, took to his Twitter and said that Sye Raa would give everyone goosebumps and Chiranjeevi starrer will smash all the records in Andhra Pradesh.
Umair Sandhu tweeted, “#SyeRaaNarasimhaReddy will give you Goosebumps & Emotions Ride !! What a Marvellous Cinematic Experience. #Baahubali Series was fiction but its made on true events !! #SyeRaa will SMASH All Historic Records in AP & #Chiranjeevi Fans will go gaga over him.”
Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy will see Chiranjeevi as a fearless freedom fighter who battles it out with the British East India Company and its ruthless regime. The film is helmed by Surender Reddy and is bankrolled by Ram Charan under the banner of Konidela Productions whereas it has the music by Amit Trivedi.
#SyeRaaNarasimhaReddy will give you Goosebumps & Emtions Ride !! What a Marvellous Cinematic Experience. #Baahubali Series was a fiction but its made on true events !! #SyeRaa will SMASH All Historic Records in AP & #Chiranjeevi Fans will go gaga over him.
— Umair Sandhu (@UmairFilms) September 27, 2019
Credit: Twitter
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