The ongoing controversial reality show Bigg Boss Telugu 3 is all set to witness yet another elimination. TV Viewers and Bigg Boss Lovers know that Sreemukhi, Baba Bhaskar, Ravi Krishna and Varun Sandesh are in the elimination race this week.
However, Varun Sandesh was saved in Saturday’s episode. The elimination episode will have Sreemukhi, Ravi Krishna and Baba Bhasker in the danger zone. According to the latest report, Ravi Krishna has been eliminated from the show. This episode will be aired today on 29th September.
Ravi Krishna aspired to become the new captain of Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house but he lost the recent captaincy task to Sreemukhi, who became the captain of Bigg Boss house.
All the social media pages have been reporting that Ravi Krishna has been eliminated. The official announcement will be made by host Akkineni Nagarjuna today.
With just four weeks left to the finale of Bigg Boss 3, Ravi Krishna who was one of the nicest person in Bigg Boss 3 house, has played really well.
Ravi Krishna was criticized for trying to break the glass and getting hurt in the first captaincy task. He was very close to Siva Jyothi, Baba Bhaskar, and Ali Reza in Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house. Ravi Krishna was once saved by Baba Bhaskar when the latter was the captain of the house.
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