Actress Archana Shastry got engaged to her boyfriend Jagadeesh on 3rd October at a plush hotel in Hyderabad. The engagement ceremony of Archana Shastry was attended by close friends and family members including few Tollywood celebrities like Sumanth, Navdeep, Siva Balaji and his wife Madhumitha. The marriage will take place very soon.
Jagadeesh is the vice-president of a leading health-care company. On the occasion of engagement, Archana Shastry wore a gold color kanjeevaram saree paired with a contrast pink embroidered blouse. She completed her look with a statement Polki necklace set.
Recently on social media, Archana Shastry indirectly hinted that she is in love. She also shared a couple of pics where her boyfriend planted a kiss on her forehead. Later the actress confirmed that she is indeed in love with Jagadeesh.
Archana Shastry is popular for few movies like Tapana, Nenu, and Konchem Touchlo Vunte Cheputanu. She was one of the participants in the first season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss Telugu, which was hosted by Jr NTR and she was one who managed to win the hearts of the audience by being in the top 10.
Debuting as Veda in movie Tapana, the actress changed her stage name to Archana, by which she was more popularly known.
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