There has been a huge buzz in Andhra Pradesh over the new liquor policy as per current Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy over liquor ban. Now, from the latest update, we hear that Jagan’s new liquor policy has been implemented and it comes into effect immediately. Per the new liquor policy, wine stores shall be closed at 8 PM and the state government will the wine stores of about 3,500 only.
Earlier, it used to be 4,380 shops and among them, 880 were closed, which means a 20 percent was settled down. Jagan’s new policy also reads that a buyer can’t buy more than three bottles.
On the other side, to eradicate the cheap liquor, the state government has banned spirit sales too. Along with this, the prices of beer, whiskey, wine, rum, and other beverages were also hiked following the new policy.
This doesn’t come to an end, to eradicate the liquor phase-wise, AP government has implemented women policing too.
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