The Unnao rape case has been making huge sounds on the media platforms these days. From the latest update, CBI has filed a new charge sheet in this alleged gang rape case of Unnao rape survivor. From the reports, it was known that this newly added case turns out to be completely separate from the alleged rape case of BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar.
On to the newly filed case, the court has listed it on October 10th, post the investigation agency sought the time to gather some required documents along with the witnesses to be examined to support the prosecution.
From the close sources, it was known that CBI has listed three names in the newly added charge sheet which reads, Naresh Tiwari, Brijesh Yadav Singh, and Shubham Singh. Surprisingly, all three accused are out on bail as of now. The newly filed charge sheet reads these three accused had allegedly kidnapped and gang-raped the woman a week later of June 4th incident.
As the court has listed this case on October 10th, it has to wait and see as to how things will happen on to this case.
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