The young actor Naga Shaurya is currently busy in his upcoming film Aswathama. Yesterday the makers of Aswathama released the concept motion poster that features Naga Shaurya’ Oora Mass avatar. Naga Shaurya took to his micro-blogging page to share the concept poster. The visuals that are shown in the start suggests that a person close to Naga Shaurya is kidnapped. What follows later is a series of intense and power-packed incidents. Naga Shaurya tracks the culprits. Aswathama concept poster ends with Naga Shaurya flaunts his muscles.
Naga Shaurya is looking energetic and dynamic in Aswathama concept poster. He is playing an out-and-out commercial role. According to the latest update, Naga Shaurya has already wrapped up the shoot of Aswathama and the post-production work is going on at the brisk pace. Naga Shaurya starrer Aswathama is an intelligent investigative thriller drama. Now the makers of Aswathama have decided to start the promotional activities and are coming up with promotional materials. Punjabi beauty Mehreen Kaur Pirzada is playing the female lead. Naga Sahurya starrer Aswathama is being directed by newcomer Ramana Teja which has Mehreen Kaur Pirzada in the female lead.
The movie is being directed by debutante, Ramana Teja. Naga Shaurya’s parents Shankar Prasad and Usha Mulpuri are producing this upcoming film Aswathama under the banner of IRA Creations which has Airtel 4G ad girl Sargun Kaur will be seen playing a crucial role in this film, which has the music by Sri Charan Pakala’s music.
The satellite rights of Aswathama have been sold for 3.15 cr, which raised many eyeballs in Telugu Film Industry. Generally, a film gets to market because of the craze, working stills, first look, and trailer but in this case there is nothing like mentioned before. With this deal, Naga Shaurya has proved his craze. Very soon the makers will make an official announcement regarding the release date of Aswathama.
Credit: Instagram
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