Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 152nd outing was launched on the occasion of Vijaya Dasami. The launch ceremony was attended by Chiranjeevi’s mother Anjana Devi, son Ram Charan and wife Surekha. The upcoming untitled film of Chiranjeevi will be helmed by Koratala Siva, who is popular for delivering message oriented movies. The regular shoot is expected to commence from this month. This upcoming prestigious project will see the Megastar Chiranjeevi in a new way. His style will be different in the film. Currently the team is busy in the pre-production work. The sources close to the film unit revealed that Koratala Siva is carving a temple for Chiranjeevi starrer #Chiru152.
The team of Chiranjeevi starrer have come up with two new sets at the Kokapet farmland which belongs to Megastar Chiranjeevi family. Earlier, during the shoot of Sye Raa, Surender Reddy and his team had erected the few sets for the shoot. Finally Koratala Siva demolished the sets built for Sye Raa, they have come up with a colony set and another house which is supposed to be heroine’s house. Very soon the shoot of the film will be started at this location.
It has also come out that the art directors of Chiranjeevi starrer film is currently working on the designs of a temple set and they are planning to erect a set of temple based on the look and design of Simhachalam temple. Koratala Siva will be carving this temple for Chiranjeevi’ #Chiru152.
Thiru, the cinematographer of ‘Janatha Garage’ and ‘Peta’, is excited about Chiranjeevi starrer. The upcoming untitled film is said to be set in the backdrop of the endowments department. It deals with the temples and governance of temple boards. Sreekar Prasad is handling the editing department. Suresh Selvarajan will take care of the production design. The film will be produced by Mega Power Star Ram Charan under the banner of Konideal productions.
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