Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu has extended his support to Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth for upcoming multilingual drama Darbar, which is directed by AR Muurgadoss. It is known the news that earlier AR Murugadoss and Mahesh Babu have worked together for a movie Sypder, which was bombed at the box office. According to the latest update, Mahesh Babu is going to unveil the motion poster of Rajinikanth’ Darbar today on 7th November. The Top celebrities from Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi cinema will launch the motion poster of ‘Darbar’.
The Makers of Darbar have confirmed the same by sharing a poster on social media sites. They revealed that the motion poster of the Telugu version of Darbar will be released by Mahesh Babu.
Reportedly, Darbar motion poster will take over the online circuits at 5:30 pm this evening. The Tamil motion poster will be launched by Ulaganayakan Kamal Haasan. Meanwhile, the Malayalam motion poster will be launched by Malayalam star Mohanlal. On the other hand, the Hindi motion poster of Darbar will be released by Salman Khan. Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu will release the Telugu motion poster of the Rajinikanth starrer Darbar. AR Murugadoss himself came up with an official announcement regarding this on his official social media page.
Superstar Rajinikanth has been paired opposite lady superstar Nayantara in this film which will feature Yogi Babu, Jeeva, Jatin Sarna, Prateik Babbar, Nawab Shah and baby Manasvi Kottachi in supporting roles.
‘Darbar’ is bankrolled by Subaskaran under the banner of Lyca Productions, in which Rajinikanth is playing the role of a cop. Touted to be a cop-oriented action film, ‘Darbar’ has sensational music composer Anirudh Ravichandar as the music director and thus marking his second association with the superstar Rajinikanth after Petta.
On the other side, currently, Mahesh Babu is working with Anil Ravipudi for his upcoming flick Sarleru Neekevvaru, which is directed by Anil Ravipudi.
Mahesh Babu to unveil *Telugu* #DarbarMotionPoster today… #Darbar stars Rajinikanth… Directed by AR Murugadoss… #Pongal2020 release.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 7, 2019
Credit: Twitter
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