Sri Reddy has been roped in an upcoming Telugu film Climax where she will share the screen space with Rajendra Prasad and Prudhvi Raj. In this film, the sensational actress Sri Reddy is playing the role of a controversial actress in a murder mystery. Recently Sri Reddy interacted with media and talked about Dream movie fame Bhavani Shankar’s film Climax.
Sri Reddy said, “Bhavani Shankar’ directorial venture Climax is a murder mystery drama and my role is very crucial. I will be seen essaying the role of a controversial actress. I struggled to mouth my dialogues in Telugu language. For some scenes I had to do 20 odd takes to get it right. I am very thankful to director Bhavani and the rest of the crew, who managed to pull it off.” Sri Reddy added, “Interestingly I will share screen space with actors Rajendra Prasad and Prudhvi Raj, who had both publicly mocked her when i had protested against the casting couch menace in Telugu Film Industry.” It is known news that Sri Reddy, came in limelight when she posed semi-n*de in front of Telugu Film Chamber against the MAA.
Sri Reddy added, “ Working with Rajendra Prasad and Prudhvi Raj was really awkward. It was a bit embarrassing because I had even made videos lashing out at them. So act with them in movie Climax was not easy for me. There are still many people in the film industry who don’t want to work with me.”
The sources say that Bhavani Shankar roped Sri Reddy in Climax to play the lead role because he felt she was ideal for this role. Climax has no hero-heroine.
Sri Reddy also opened up about her upcoming project and revealed that currently she has two Tamil movies in her kitty, which are in different production stages.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood