Nithya Menen has been working in films for over a decade in the South Indian film Industry. She said that she never felt “unsafe” in the entertainment industry. Recently Nithya Menen was spotted at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Goa. Nithya Menon compared her newfound love for cinema with an arranged marriage. And when she was asked about her film journey and to comment on the general impression that women in the film industry are not safe — especially aspiring actresses, the Mission Mangal actress said, “You are as safe as you allow yourself to be. Nobody forces anything on you unless you make it happen.”
Nithya Menen added, “It has never happened to me that I felt unsafe. Bad behavior is everywhere, not just in the film industry. You can decide what you want to do, how much you want or don’t want to compromise. You are not helpless .”
Nithya Menen has starred in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi movies, further added, “I got into films accidentally. I wanted to be in the forest, around animals and make movies on them. However, very recently I started to develop an incredible love for cinema.” Nithya stated, “Maybe this is what arrange marriage feels like. After some time there is deep love.”
When Nithya Menen was asked if the film industry is safe for women, to which she said, “You are safe as you allow yourself to be. No one will force you.”
Nithya Menen made her acting debut as a child in the 1998 English film The Monkey Who Knew Too Much. Later she played a supporting role in Kannada film 7 O’ Clock. Nithya Menen made her debut in a leading role in Telugu with Ala Modalaindi, Malayalam with Akasha Gopuram, and Tamil with 180. In the month of August this year, Nithya Menen made her Bollywood debut with Mission Mangal.
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