Raai Laxmi took to Instagram to share a stunning picture of herself in a bikini, which has become a huge hit among her fans and followers. Despite limited appearances in Telugu Film Industry, Kannada babe Raai Laxmi is a popular name in the Telugu states courtesy her scintillating screen-presence, arresting beauty and eye-popping dance moves.
She has shaken her belly in a couple of big-ticket films. Besides hectic professional commitments, the bombshell Raai Laxmi makes it a point to satisfy her massive fan-base by sharing drool-worthy stuff on her social media handles. Raai Laxmi flaunted her toned body in a sizzling monokony and steamed up the cyberspace in no time. She is a regular when it comes to nailing it in revealing outfits.
Raai Laxmi is raising the temperature with her killer look. She looks super hot! This is not the first time that Julie 2 actress has stunned the internet with her bikini pictures. She has shared many such photos earlier. She has starred in several films down South and is a well-known face for South audiences. Now once again Raai Laxmi is exploding the Internet with her bikini avatar.
Raai Laxmi is displaying her hour-glass figure in bikini like a boss! Well, her passion for cinema can be measured merely by her ‘introduction’ only but that’s not all. She knows how to impress her fans with her style statements.
In Tollywood, Raai Laxmi is popular for the item song “Ratthaalu” in Megastar Chiranjeevi starrer Khaidi No 150. In Telugu Film Industry, Raai Laxmi was last seen in ‘Where Is The Venkatalakshmi’, which ended up bombed at the box office. Raai Laxmi is also busy in her upcoming horror, thriller and fantasy movie Cinderella, directed by Vinod Venkatesh and bankrolled under the production banner SS Productions and Aswamithra of Kanchana 2 fame.
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