The controversial Telugu actress Sri Reddy sent a special message to sensational film maker Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV. Just now, Sri Reddy took to her Facebook and wrote, “Wanna date with you Ram Gopal Varma.” Few days ago, Sri Reddy attended a press meet and revealed that she is in the talks with the film maker Ram Gopal Varma for an upcoming Telugu film.
It is known news that currently Ram Gopal Varma is busy in the promotional activities of her upcoming flick Kamma Rajyam lo Kadapa Reddlu and he is also coming up with an Indo Chinese film Enter The Girl Dragon. Though Ram Gopal has a very busy schedule but Sri Reddy wants a date with Ram Gopal Varma.
It is known news that it was Ram Gopal Varma who provoked Sri Reddy to use derogatory words for Power star Pawan Kalyan. And Sri Reddy abused Pawn Kalyan in public and also showed her middle finger in front of camera. Later Sri Reddy apologized to Pawan Kalyan’ mother, wrote that she was provoked by the enemy of Pawan Kalyan to use that word to get popularity.
Later Ram Gopal Varma came forward and also admitted that he provoked Sri Reddy to use the cuss word on Pawan Kalyan to gain the attention. He said that he wanted to give Sri Reddy a bigger platform, and so asked her to say ‘that’ to Pawan Kalyan. Sri Reddy, who was protesting against the casting couch in Telugu Film Industry, called Pawan Kalyan ‘ma****od’.
Today morning once again Sri Reddy targeted Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan and wrote, “Pawan kalyan mala??poo mala vesukondra yerripoo.ullara”
Now, it seems, Sri Reddy wants to work in the direction of Ram Gopal Varma for a project. Both Sri Reddy and RGV are popular for making controversial comments on the celebrities.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood