Charmme Kaur shared a picture of her with Baahubali and Rudhramadevi fame Anushka Shetty on her twitter, in which they both look adorable. By sharing this pic, Charmee Kaur said, “Anushka Shetty is in Mumbai lunching n munching ismart nishabdham.” In another pic, she asked her fans to caption this pic.
Charmee Kaur’ fans are going gaga over it after seeing their favourite actress with Anushka Shetty. It is known news that Charmee Kaur has said bye bye to acting field. She was last seen in Tamil film 10 Endrathukulla, where she was seen shaking her leg for a song Gaana Gaana. Now days the actress want to focus on producing the movies. Charmme Kaur is the co-founder of Telugu director Puri Jagannadh’s production house Puri Connects. Her recent production venture as a co-producer was iSmart Shankar, which the young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni, Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal played the lead roles and the movie was superhit at the box office.
Anushka Shetty’ journey in Tollywood has been quite interesting. From making cameo appearances to doing two-heroine films, she has tried everything. The film industry where a female actor has a short shelf life, Anushka Shetty has proved herself and she is one of the top actresses even when there are new competitors like Samantha Akkineni, Kajal Aggarwal, Rakul Preet Singh, Anjali, Taapsee Pannu, Shriya Saran among others. Bill actress Anushka Shetty is counted as one of Tollywood’s most bankable actresses. As an actress, she always strives for excellence.
On the other side, Anushka Shetty is waiting for the release of her upcoming movie Nishabdham, in which she will be seen sharing the screen space with her Rendu co-star R Madhavan. The movie is slated to hit the theatres on 31th January 2020. Post Nishabdham, it is being heard that Anushka Shetty will join hands with Gautham Vasudev Menon for an upcoming project.
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