Arjun Suravaram Collections: The young actor Nikhil Siddharth might certainly be on cloud nine at the present moment. After experiencing several pre-release hurdles and multiple delays, his latest release ‘Arjun Suravaram’ has opened to a good response at the global box-office on 1st November. Arjun Suravaram, which is remake of Kollywood blockbuster Kanithan, is helmed by original director TN Santhosh and the has managed to bag decent reviews both from the critics and general audience on its opening day. According to the trader’s report, Arjun Suravaram has collected Rs 6.4 Crore shares at the box office of both Telugu states –Andhra Pradesh and Telangana after the successful run of its 1st week. The movie has earned Rs 15 Cr gross at the worldwide box office in the first week.
The area-wise break up of Arjun Suravaram are as follows:
Nizam: Rs 2.66 Crore
Ceded: Rs 0.65 Crore
Uttar Andhra: Rs 0.76 Crore
East Godavari: Rs 0.49 Crore
West Godavari: Rs 0.38 Crore
Guntur: Rs 0.64 Crore
Krishna: Rs 0.50 Crore
Nellore: Rs 0.32 Crore
AP & TS Total First Week Collections of Arjun Suravaram: Rs 6.4 Crore shares
KA & ROI :Rs 0.45 Crore
Overseas: Rs 0.40 Crore
Total World-Wide First Week collections of Arjun Suravaram: Rs 7.35 Crore (15 Crore Gross) shares
The investigative thriller drama Arjun Suravaram is directed by TN Santosh and jointly produced by Rajkumar Akella and Kaviya Venugopal. The film has Lavanya Tripathi in the female lead role. Nikhil Siddharth is playing the role of an investigative journalist working for a TV channel. Though Lavanya Tripathi’s role as an aspiring journalist is comparatively limited in scope, she does it efficiently. While Sahi Suresh’s art direction and Suryaa’s cinematography deserve a mention, the second half of the film could have been more engaging. The movie Arjun Suravaram entered into profits in its first week. With these distributors and producers are happy.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood