Arjun Suravaram Collections: The investigative thriller drama Arjun Suravaram starring Nikhil Siddharth and Lavanya Tripathi, is holding very well in working days at the box office. The movie is directed by TN Santosh and jointly produced by Rajkumar Akella and Kaviya Venugopal. On its release day, Arjun Suravaram received a positive response by the movie lovers and critics from each quarter. According to the traders report, Nikhil Siddharth starrer Arjun Suravaram has collected Rs 4.51 Cr shares at the box office of both Telugu States- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana after the successful run of 5 days. And it has earned Rs 5.29 Cr shares at the worldwide box office.
The area-wise break up of Arjun Suravaram are as follows:
Nizam: Rs 1.18 Cr
Ceded: Rs 56.00 Lakhs
Guntur: Rs 59.00 Lakhs
Vizag: Rs 67.00 Lakhs
East Godavari: Rs 43.00 Lakhs
West Godavari: Rs 34.00 Lakhs
Nellore: Rs 29.00 Lakhs
Krishna: Rs 45.00 Lakhs
Total 5 days Arjun Suravaram AP/ TS Box Office collections: Rs 4.51 Cr shares
Karnataka & ROI: Rs 25.00 Lakhs
OS: Rs 53.00 Lakhs
Total 5 days Arjun Suravaram worldwide Box Office collections: Rs 5.29 Cr shares
Arjun Suravaram is a remake of Tamil blockbuster Kanithan, which was directed by TN Santhosh. Nikhil Siddharth is essaying the role of an investigative journalist working for a TV channel. The film has Lavanya Tripathi in the female lead.
On the other side, according to the latest update, Nikhil Siddharth has signed an upcoming untitled film, which will be directed to Surya Prathap of Kumari 21 F fame. Currently, the team is in the hunt of female lead it will be jointly presented by Sukumar and Mega Producer Allu Aravind under the banners of Sukumar Writings and Geetha Arts. Nikhil is popular for a few successful movies such as Yuvatha, Veedu Theda, Swamy Ra Ra, Karthikeya, Surya vs Surya, Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada, Keshava, Kirrak Party, and Arjun Suravaram.
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